Alexander, North Dakota | (701) 770-2275


Explore the truth behind common winter car care myths to ensure your vehicle is ready for the chilly season in this post by AMSOIL: Advanced Filtration Technologies in Alexander.

As the winter chill sets in, car owners often find themselves inundated with advice on caring for their vehicles during the colder months. This post delves into common winter car care myths, separating fact from fiction to ensure your vehicle remains in top-notch condition throughout the frosty season.

Ensure peak performance and protection for your vehicle this winter. Call Advanced Filtration Technologies in Alexander at (701) 770-2275 to explore a range of excellent car care products, including top-notch options from AMSOIL’s online shop. Don't miss out on the opportunity to enhance your winter driving experience. Upgrade now!

Myth #1: You Don't Need to Change Your Oil in Winter

One of the most persistent myths is that changing your car's oil isn't necessary during winter. In truth, oil is the lifeblood of your engine, and its viscosity can be affected by cold temperatures. Cold weather thickens oil, making it less efficient at lubricating engine components. To ensure smooth engine operation, it's crucial to use the oil recommended by your vehicle's manufacturer and adhere to regular oil change intervals, regardless of the season.

Myth #2: All-Season Tires Are Just as Good as Winter Tires

While all-season tires offer versatility for various weather conditions, they may provide a different level of performance and safety than dedicated winter tires in icy or snowy conditions. Winter tires have a special tread compound and pattern to enhance traction on slippery surfaces. Investing in winter tires can significantly improve your vehicle's handling and braking capabilities during the colder months, ensuring a safer driving experience.

Myth #3: Warming Up Your Car for Several Minutes Is Necessary

Many drivers believe that idling their cars for an extended period before driving is essential to warm up the engine in cold weather. However, modern engines are designed to warm up more efficiently while driving. Idling for excessive periods wastes fuel and contributes to unnecessary wear and tear on the engine. Instead of idling, start your car and drive gently for the first few minutes to allow the engine to reach its optimal operating temperature.

Elevate your winter car care with AMSOIL products available at Advanced Filtration Technologies in Alexander. From premium synthetic oils to high-performance filters, discover excellence in every product. Dial (701) 770-2275 for personalized recommendations, or visit our online shop for a convenient and secure shopping experience. Drive confidently this winter with AMSOIL.

Myth #4: Hot Water Can Quickly De-Ice Your Windshield

Pouring hot water on a frozen windshield might seem like a quick solution, but it can lead to severe consequences. The sudden temperature change can cause the glass to crack or shatter. Instead, use a good-quality ice scraper and de-icing solution to remove frost and ice from your windshield safely. Additionally, parking your car in a garage or using a windshield cover overnight can help prevent the need for extensive de-icing in the morning.

Myth #5: Four-Wheel Drive (4WD) Makes You Invincible on Snowy Roads

While four-wheel drive can enhance traction on slippery surfaces, it doesn't guarantee invincibility on snow-covered roads. Drivers with 4WD vehicles may overestimate their capabilities and drive more aggressively than conditions allow. Adjusting your driving style and reducing speed in winter weather is crucial, regardless of your vehicle's drivetrain. Properly inflated tires and cautious driving are critical components of winter road safety.

Myth #6: Salt Is the Only Solution for Icy Roads

While road salt is a common and effective de-icing agent, it's not the only solution, and it comes with environmental drawbacks. Sand, kitty litter, or even specially designed eco-friendly de-icing agents can provide traction on icy roads without the environmental impact of traditional salt. Additionally, keeping a supply of traction aids in your car, such as sand or cat litter, can be helpful in emergencies when stuck on icy surfaces.

In Conclusion

Navigating winter car care can be daunting, especially when surrounded by a myriad of advice and myths. By separating fact from fiction, you can make informed decisions to keep your vehicle running smoothly during the colder months. From the importance of regular oil changes to the truth about all-season tires and the realities of de-icing methods, debunking these common winter car care myths ensures you're equipped with accurate information for a safe and hassle-free winter driving experience.

Don't let winter catch you off guard. Contact Advanced Filtration Technologies in Alexander at (701) 770-2275 to explore a comprehensive range of superior car care products, including AMSOIL Signature Series 0W-40 100% Synthetic Motor Oil. Ensure your vehicle's reliability and performance in chilly weather. Ready to shop? Visit our online store for easy and efficient access to AMSOIL's best winter car care.