Chances are you've heard quite a few motor oil facts that you aren't quite sure about. This post can help you understand what are facts and what is simply part of a myth.
The Truth Behind Five of the Most Common Car Oil Myths
Before you make any more assumptions about motor oil, get to know the truth behind some of the most common motor oil myths.
Myth: Engine Oil Needs to Be Changed Every 3,000 Miles
Although most people have heard and believe they should change their oil every 3,000 miles or every three months, the truth is there is not one rule to follow. Oil change intervals vary and change depending on a variety of factors. These factors include what type of car you're driving, what conditions it's being used in, and what type of oil you're using, among many other factors. If you're not sure how often you should be replacing the oil in your vehicle, read the manufacturer's recommendations for your engine and be sure you understand the oil you're using. There are many types of oils on the market, all with differing purposes and change intervals. If you're using a synthetic oil, you likely won't be needing a change as often as with a conventional oil. Take
AMSOIL's Signature Series Synthetic Motor Oil as an example. This oil can last up to 25,000 miles or a year before it needs to replaced! If you don't remember how long you've had your oil, your vehicle's oil life monitor can alert you when it's time to get an oil change.
Myth: Your Engine Oil Turns Black When It Needs to Be Changed
All motor oil turns black as it works, but it's not necessarily an indication that it's time for a change. When you put fresh oil in your car, you will notice that it's an amber color. This slowly starts to turn darker as the oil performs its duties. It makes sense that your oil will pick up a darker color since it is responsible for keeping your engine clean as it traps buildup, gunk, and other contaminants. Your oil turning black is simply an indicator that lets you know it's doing its job properly. Your oil should be changed not only after it turns black, but also once it's too dirty to continue performing adequately.
As you start to understand motor oil better, a
synthetic oil change will probably sound like the best option for your engine. To find the perfect synthetic oil for your vehicle,
contact the pros at
Advanced Filtration Technologies, Inc. Give them a call at
(701) 572- 3780 or visit their
online shop for a full range of the best
AMSOIL Oil products.
Myth: Using Synthetic Oil Causes Leaks
Switching to synthetic oil will not cause new leaks, but it can help you detect old leaks. This myth has its roots in the 1970's when synthetic oil first started being used in car engines. Back then, the synthetic formula was known to cause seals in the engines to shrink, leading to leaks. Through the years, synthetic oil has improved and no longer causes these issues. It can, however, help you find old leaks because of its superior cleansing properties. Your conventional oil may have caused buildup around seals, helping to block leaks. A synthetic oil will clean up this buildup and leave those leaks uncovered. These leaks aren't anything new and definitely are not caused by the oil.
Myth: Switching to Synthetic Oil Means You Can No Longer Use Conventional Oil
Switching between synthetic oil and conventional oil won't cause any damage to your engine. Many people believe that once you introduce synthetic oil into your vehicle, you will no longer have the option to return to conventional oil, but that's simply not true. You can go back to a conventional oil, but after reaping all the
benefits of a synthetic oil, you may not want to go back.
Myth: The W on the Label Stands for Weight
The W on the label of your oil stands for winter. To understand the importance of the W on the label you first have to understand the oil's viscosity. In simple terms, the viscosity refers to the consistency of the oil, whereas the higher the number, the lower the viscosity. An oil with a lower viscosity will have an easier time flowing through your engine while a higher viscosity oil will be thicker and more sluggish. As temperatures change, so can viscosity. For this reason, the W is included to inform you about the oil's viscosity temperature rating in the cold.
The Best Synthetic Oil Change in Williams County
If you've never had a
synthetic oil change, now is a perfect time to give it a try.
Contact Advanced Filtration Technologies, Inc. at (701) 572- 3780 to get your hands on the best
AMSOIL Oil products for all of your engines. You can also browse their full range of products in their
online shop.